
Masood vows to render every kind of sacrifice for freedom of Kashmir

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan has reaffirmed the commitment to render every kind of sacrifice for freedom of Kashmir.

Addressing a book launching ceremony in Islamabad on Thursday, he said India is attempting to change the demographic structure of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir to convert the majority of the Kashmiris into minority in order to materialize its sordid designs.

The President Azad Jammu and Kashmir said India is playing a horrific game in the IIOJ&K under the Hindutva ideology. He said India has been perpetrating gross human rights violations in IIOJ&K and subjecting the innocent Kashmiris to the worst kind of violence.

Sardar Masood Khan said Pakistan has always been steadfast with regard to the Kashmir conflict.

Source: Radio Pakistan